FLAME University


A home away from home..

FLAME Finance and Investment Club (FFIC) aims to provide members with skills to help them improve their understanding of the financial markets. It is a medium that bridges theory with practice. It aims to “connect” the seemingly disparate information flow in today’s cyber world.  FFIC tries to mimic, as closely as possible, how investment decisions are made in the real world.

The FFIC entails classroom learning, book reviews, case studies, presentations, CFA Investment Research Challenge, newsletters, industry interactions, investor conferences and most importantly the stock market challenge. Even though classroom content includes topics like financial statement analysis, valuation, behavioral finance and financial history, the emphasis of the FFIC is on personal initiative and sharing content with other members for mutual and inclusive growth. Reviewing investment-related classics, analyzing successful and unsuccessful company case studies, participating in investor conferences and competing in research challenges enables members to apply academic learning to the investment world. Additionally, sessions with investment gurus help members to learn from their experiences. As such, the FFIC  provides a platform to harness your investment acumen.