FLAME University


A home away from home..

The Developmental Activities Program (DAP) is designed to get students to recognize the socio-economic realities of India at the grassroots and understand how organizations have developed to address these problems.

Students are required to volunteer for one month during their summer break at a non-profit organization dedicated to social change; these can be a non-profit organization, a semi-government agency, a government agency, a Corporate Social Responsibility project, or a non-profit foundation.

DAP is meant to enable students to become aware and sensitive about various socio-economic issues and understand how civil society organizations work and their challenges.

Program Objectives: 

  1. To expose the students to various social issues confronting our society.
  2. To sensitize them to various social problems by working directly with the vulnerable, marginalized, and socially excluded people.
  3. To help them in teaching values of empathy, humility, compassion, and civic engagement.
  4. To develop an awareness and understanding of civil society organizations' purpose, functioning, strengths, and limitations.

For details, please visit: https://dap.flame.edu.in.