FLAME University


Revolutionizing higher education in India



Introduction to Psychology

This course will introduce students to the subject of Psychology as an Art and as a Science. It will illustrate various psychological processes and give students a greater understanding of their own experiences and that of the social world. It will also discuss the significance of the different theoretical models in the various fields of psychology and illustrate the application of theoretical models in its relevant context Examine and discuss the scope of doing research in the different fields of psychology.

Fine & Performing Arts-1 (Dance, Music, Theatre, Fine Arts)

This course tries to shape the creative thinking and innovative problem solving ability of students by using the medium of paintings, theatre, dance and other visual arts. Students can take any one form of the art and explore their creativity.

Sociology and Industry

The course attempts to facilitate an understanding of sociology as a scientific discipline and its application to industrial organizations in terms of introducing the students to basic sociological concepts, outlining the theoretical perspectives in the discipline, highlighting the usage of ‘Sociological Imagination’ in studying organizational dynamics.

Introduction to Indian Political System

This course introduces students to the Constitution of India in its structural and operational aspects. The Indian Political System functions upon the basic law which is provided by the Indian Constitution. An understanding derived by the study of the course enables the student to analyze the practice of politics in India.