FLAME University


UG Student | York University
Semester Abroad @ FLAME University, India

While the experience is not without challenges, it has contributed to my intellectual and personal growth. I found the pace of study here quite intensive.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ York University, Canada

I had set foot in FLAME University with the intention of being a part of its exchange program. When I did finally go to York University during their Winter Term.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA

A great opportunity by FLAME University that gives an exposure to western education and definitely adds immense value academically as well as in personal growth.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ York University, Canada

My study abroad experience was truly one I’ll never forget. I got a chance to interact with wonderful people, see fantastic sights, study diverse and interesting courses and explore the culture and place.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ IESEG School of Management, France

If I have to sum up my experience in few words, it would not completely justify the enormous exposure that I have derived from this program.

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UG Student | York University
Semester Abroad @ FLAME University, India

Being at FLAME University for a semester gave me perspective on studying human rights, both inside the classroom and outside of it.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ IESEG School of business, France

The thought of spending a semester abroad always fascinated me. when my roommate came back from Indiana University and shared his experiences.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester Abroad @ York University, Canada

I recall my initial reaction when I landed in Toronto. “What have I signed up for!?”, that was my first thought when I landed in Toronto in the first week of January 2018.

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UG Student | FLAME University
Semester abroad @ Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA

I pursued the spring semester of my sophomore year at Indiana University’s (IU) Kelley School of Business.

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Undergraduate Student | FLAME University
Semester abroad @ IESEG School of Management, France

I learnt a lot from the Business Culture class. This class educated us on the different styles of etiquette, negotiation and work environment of different countries and the reasons behind them. I was partnered with a Mexican student and a Swiss student for this course and my experience was very enriching.

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Undergraduate Student | FLAME University
Semester abroad @Wellesley College, USA

There are some experiences that come your way that you never expect will have such an impact on your life.

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UG Student | DHBW
Semester Abroad @ FLAME University, India

Being at FLAME University for a semester gave me perspective on studying human rights, both inside the classroom and outside of it.

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