FLAME University


The latest happenings in the FLAME Community

Most of your life you live in your mind; make sure it’s a pretty nice place”, Sanjay Bakshi, Managing Partner at ValueQuest Capital LLP

FLAME Investment Lab successfully conducted its annual ‘Behavioral Finance and Value Investing with Sanjay Bakshi’, program. The program was held from 6th-9th July at the FLAME University campus. All the proceeds collected from the program will be donated to Moneylife Foundation.

The program, conducted by Prof. Bakshi, was spread over four days and covered topics like The Psychology of Human Misjudgments, Biases in Investing, Value Investing and Return on Investment. He explained why “time” is a friend of a wonderful business and gone are the days of the “first-mover advantage”. He discussed how entering a market when the ground work has been done and the foundation laid by another can be so much more advantageous. While deliberating on psychology and human biases, he said, “For a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

Prof. Bakshi, a man with many mental models and anecdotes is an ardent and captivating speaker. He kept the participants of the program consistently absorbed with his use of case studies and examples. The participants were from various backgrounds and reputed companies. Even Mr. Saurabh Madaan, Senior Data Scientist at Google, who hosts value investing talks at Google and is a member of The Manual of Ideas, attended the program. Through the program, Mr. Madaan gave some of his inputs and also took the dais to speak to the other participants at certain occasions. While tweeting about the program, he commended Prof. Bakshi’s passion and zeal for teaching as his sessions lasted till 2:00 am most of the nights.

All the participants were engrossed throughout the program and their feedback was extremely positive. The sessions were interactive and inclusive and the energy and enthusiasm was enthralling. It was an intelligent exchange between passionate investors.

We, at FLAME University, are extremely grateful to Prof. Bakshi for conducting this annual program so brilliantly.