FLAME University


Rajvi Jhaveri
Undergraduate Student | FLAME University
Semester abroad @Kelley School of Business

As the academic year comes to an end and my semester abroad at Kelley Business School is over, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me this incredible opportunity and share with you some of my memories from my semester abroad. 
My semester abroad was definitely a rollercoaster ride with hurdles, obstacles, and exhilarating moments. It really changed my perspective and taught me to always see the big picture. 
Throughout these 4 months, I realized how my academic exposure at FLAME University had prepared me to excel at Kelley. Initially, the classes seemed overwhelming, but it did not take me long to get accustomed to it and excel in most of them which is because of the exposure I had at Flame. The grades in my transcript will reflect this. 
I am fortunate to be a part of a university which has such incredible opportunities for students and while we don't realise it while we are in FLAME, the liberal arts education in FLAME does prepare us for the outside world.