FLAME University


Learning from some of the best minds in education and in the industry
Prof. Hasheem Mannan
Visiting Professor – Public Policy
Email: hasheem.mannan@flame.edu.in
PhD in Disability Policy and Family Studies from University of Kansas. Master of Science, Community Based Rehabilitation for Developing Countries from University College London. Bachelor of Science, Statistics, Madras Christian College from University of Madras.

Prof. Hasheem Mannan is a Visiting Professor – Public Policy. He holds a PhD in Disability Policy and Family Studies, University of Kansas.

He currently holds his academic appointment in the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems at University College Dublin. He previously held appointments in School of Psychology and School of Social Work & Social Policy at Trinity College Dublin; School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne; and the School of Education, University of Kansas. He has also held appointments with civil society in India, the World Health Organization (Switzerland), the National Center for Health Statistics (United States of America), and the National Disability Authority (Ireland).

Prof. Mannan has international teaching and research experience since 2000. He has taught courses in Health and Human Rights, Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals, Health Policy, Advanced Research Methods, Disability and Developing Countries, Introduction to Health Systems, Health: A Systems Perspective. Professor Mannan conducts research on the topic of equitable access to healthcare. He has extensive experience in knowledge management of international development projects carried out by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, United Nations Development Programme, UNESCO, and the International Labour Organization. He has been an associate member of the United Nations Washington Group on Disability Statistics since 2006 and has been a member of the working group on Children and Psychosocial Disability. He is on the board of The Irish Global Health Network. He has carried out a range of consultancy in the areas of health and human resources, public policy and data for sustainable development goals for World Health Organization and UNESCO.



Scopus h-Index: 15 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603405895

  1. Donnelly S, Wilson AG, Mannan H, Dix C, Whitehill L, Kroll T., (2021) (In)Visible illness: A photovoice study of the lived experience of self-managing rheumatoid arthritis. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248151. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248151  Q1, SCOPUS.

  2. O'Donovan MA, McCallion P, McCarron M et al. A narrative synthesis scoping review of life course domains within health service utilisation frameworks [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]. HRB Open Res 2019, 2:6 (https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.12900.1)

  3. MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., Huss, T., & Mannan, H. (2019). Macropsychology: Challenging and Changing Social Structures and Systems to Promote Social Inclusion. The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology, 166.

  4. Power, J., Gilmore, B., Vallières, F., Toomey, E., Mannan, H., & McAuliffe, E. (2019). Adapting health interventions for local fit when scaling-up: a realist review protocol. BMJ open9(1), e022084.

  5. MacLachlan, M., Cho, H. Y., Clarke, M., Mannan, H., Kayabu, B., Ludolph, R., ... & World Health Organization. (2018). WHO Housing and health guidelines: web annex F: report of the systematic review on potential benefits of accessible home environments for people with functional impairments. In WHO Housing and health guidelines: web annex F: report of the systematic review on potential benefits of accessible home environments for people with functional impairments.

  6. Vergunst, R., Swartz, L., Hem, K. G., Eide, A. H., Mannan, H., MacLachlan, M., ... & Schneider, M. (2018). The perceived needs-access gap for health services among persons with disabilities in a rural area within South Africa. Disability and rehabilitation, 1-7.

  7. Smith, E. M., Gowan, R. J., Mannan, H., Donnelly, B., Alvarez, L., Bell, D., ... & Jan, Y. K. (2018). Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-9.

  8. MacLachlan, M., Banes, D., Bell, D., Borg, J., Donnelly, B., Fembek, M., ...Mannan, H….. & Hoogerwerf, E. J. (2018). Assistive technology policy: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1- 13.

  9. Visagie, S., Eide, A. H., Dyrstad, K., Mannan, H., Swartz, L., Schneider, M., ... & Hem, K. G. (2017). Factors related to environmental barriers experienced by persons with and without disabilities in diverse African settings. PloS one12(10), e0186342.

  10. Gilmore, B., MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., McClean, C., Carr, S., Duttine, A., ... & Hem, K. G. (2017). A study of human resource competencies required to implement community rehabilitation in less resourced settings. Human resources for health15(1), 70.

  11. Visagie, S., Eide, A. H., Mannan, H., Schneider, M., Swartz, L., Mji, G., ... & MacLachlan, M. (2017). A description of assistive technology sources, services and outcomes of  use  in  a  number  of  African  settings. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology12(7), 705-712.

  12. Abimanyi-Ochom J, Mannan H, Groce NE, McVeigh J (2017) HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of persons with and without disabilities from the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2011: Differential access to HIV/AIDS information and services. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174877. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174877

  13. Henderson, C., Mannan, H., & Power, J. (2017). Disability Inclusive Development Good Practices: Level of Commitment to Core Concepts of Human Rights. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development28(3), 32-55.

  14. Mji, G., Braathen, S. H., Vergunst, R., Scheffler, E., Kritzinger, J., Mannan, H., ... & Visagie, S. (2017). Exploring the interaction of activity limitations with context, systems, community and personal factors in accessing public health care services: A presentation of South African case studies. African journal of primary

  15. Munthali, A. C., Swartz, L., Mannan, H., MacLachlan, M., Chilimampunga, C., & Makupe, C. (2017). “This one will delay us”: barriers to  accessing  health  care  services  among  persons  with  disabilities  in  Malawi. Disability and rehabilitation, 1-8.

  16. McVeigh, J., MacLachlan, M., Gilmore, B., McClean, C., Eide, A. H., Mannan, H., Geiser, P., Duttine, A., Mji, G., Eilish McAuliffe, E., Sprunt, B., Amin, M. and Normand, C. (2016) 'Promoting good policy for leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation: a realist synthesis'. Globalization and Health, 12 (49).

  17. Cho, H.Y, MacLachlan, M., Clarke, M. and Mannan, H. (2016) 'Accessible Home Environments for People with Functional Limitations: A Systematic Review'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (8):826.

  18. MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H., Huss, T., Munthali, A., & Amin, M. (2016) 'Policies and Processes for Social Inclusion: Using EquiFrame and EquIPP for Policy Dialogue: Comment on Are Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies Designed for All? Vulnerable Groups in Policy Documents of Four European Countries and Their Involvement in Policy Development'. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 (3):193- 196.

  19. Munthali, AC, Mannan, H., MacLachlan, M., Swartz, L. (2016) 'Seeking Biomedical and Traditional Treatment is a Spiritual Lapse Among Zionists: A Case Study of the Zion Church in Malawi'. African Studies, 39 (2).

  20. Hussey, M.M., Mannan, H. (2015) 'China's Mental Health Law: Analysis of Core Concepts of Human Rights and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups'. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, 26 (4).

  21. Khan F., Amatya, B., Mannan, H. and Rathore, F.A. (2015) 'Neurorehabilitation in Developing Countries: Challenges and the Way Forward'. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International, 2 (9):1070.

  22. Khan, F., Amatya, B., Mannan, H., Burkle, F. M., and Galea, M. P. (2015) 'Rehabilitation in Madagascar: Challenges in Implementing the World Health Organization Disability Action Plan'. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 47.8 (2015): 688-696.

  23. Vergunst, R., Swartz, L., Mji, G., MacLachlan, M., & Mannan, H. (2015) ''You must carry your wheelchair' - barriers to accessing healthcare in a South African rural area'. Global health action, 8.

  24. Eide A.H., Mannan H., Khogali M., van Rooy G., Swartz L., Munthali A., et al. (2015) 'Perceived Barriers for Accessing Health Services among Individuals with Disability in Four African Countries'. PLoS ONE, 10 (5). Available Online [DOI] [Details]

  25. MacLachlan, M. and Mannan, H. (2014) 'The World Report on Disability and its implications for rehabilitation psychology'. Rehabilitation psychology, 59 (2):117-124. Available Online [DOI] [Details]

  26. Abimanyi-Ochom, J. and Mannan, H. (2014) 'Uganda's Disability Journey: Progress and Challenges'. African Journal of Disability, 3 (1). Available Online [DOI] [Details]MacLachlan, M., & Mannan, H. (2014). The World Report on Disability and its implications for rehabilitation psychology. Rehabilitation Psychology, 59(2), 117-124. doi: 10.1037/a0036715

  27. Eide, A.H., Khupe, W. & Mannan, H., 2014, ‘Development process in Africa: Poverty, politics and indigenous knowledge’, African Journal of Disability 3(2), Art. #75, 6 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/

  28. Maalim, M, I., McVeigh, J., & Mannan, H. (2014). Kenya’s vision for an equitable, rights-based health system fails to address specific health needs and barriers to accessing health care of vulnerable populations. Harvard Africa Policy Journal. May 2014 http://apj.fas.harvard.edu/kenyas-vision-for-an-equitable-rights-based- health- system-fails-to-address-specific-health-needs-and-barriers-to-accessing-health-care-of-vulnerable- populations/

  29. O'Dowd, J., Mannan, H. & McVeigh, J. India’s Disability Policy – Analysis of Core Concepts of Human Rights.Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, [S.l.], v. 24, n. 4, p. 69-90, Feb. 2014.

  30. Bedri,N., Amin, M., Elkhatim, A., Eldin, A.G., MacLachlan, M., & Mannan, H. Core Concepts of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups in Nutrition Policy of Sudan. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2013, pp. 352-359. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20130206.24

  31. MacLachlan, M., & Mannan, H. (2013). Is Disability a Health Problem? Social Inclusion, 1(2), 139-141.

  32. Mannan, H, and MacLachlan M. "Disability and Health: A Research Agenda." Social Inclusion 1.1 (2013): 37-45.

  33. McConkey, R., Kelly, F., Craig, S. and Mannan, H. (2013), A longitudinal study of the intra-country variations in the provision of residential care for adult persons with an intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57: 969–979. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01592.x

  34. Eide, A., Amin, M., MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H., Schneider, M. (2013). Addressing equitable health of vulnerable groups in international health documents. ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research

  35. Eide, A., Amin, M., MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H., Schneider, M. Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Health Equity in International Donors' Policies. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, 23, Feb. 2013. http://dcidj.org/article/view/144.

  36. McNally A & Mannan H (2013). Perceptions of caring for children with disabilities: Experiences from Moshi, Tanzania. African Journal of Disability; Vol 2, No 1 (2013), 10 pages. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v2i1.21

  37. Schneider, M., Eide, A.H., Amin, M., MacLachlan, M. & Mannan, H. (2013) Inclusion of vulnerable groups in health policies: Regional policies on health priorities in Africa, in African Journal of Disability, Vol. 2, No. 1: http://www.ajod.org/index.php/ajod/article/view/40

  38. Mannan H, El Tayeb S, MacLachlan M, Amin M, McVeigh J, Munthali A and Rooy G. Core concepts of human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the mental health policies of Malawi, Namibia, and Sudan, International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2013, 7:7 (13 February 2013)

  39. Braathen, S.H.; Vergunst, R.; Mji, G.; Mannan, H. and Swartz, L. (2013) 'Understanding the local context for the application of global mental health: a rural South African experience', in International Health, Vol.5: 38- 42:

  40. Amadhila E, Van Rooy G, McVeigh J, Mannan H, MacLachlan M & Amin M. Equity and Core Concepts of Human Rights in Namibian Health Policies. Harvard Africa Policy Journal, February 2013 http://africa.harvard.edu/apj/equity-and-core-concepts-of-human-rights-in-namibian-health-policies/

  41. Cook B, Gerber M, Hong L Y, Mannan H, & Zang W J. (2012). Early identification for special education: Implications for research and development in the Pacific Rim. Journal of International Special Needs Education 15(2), 75-88.

  42. Chadwick, D. D., Mannan, H., Garcia Iriarte, E., McConkey, R., O'Brien, P., Finlay, F., & Harrington, G. (2012). Family Voices: Life for Family Carers of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.

  43. Mannan H, MacLachlan M, McAuliffe E (2012). The Human Resources Challenge to Community-Based Rehabilitation: The need for a scientific, systematic and coordinated global response. Disability, Community Based Rehabilitation and Inclusive Development, 23(4); 6-16.

  44. Mannan, H, Boostrom, C, MacLachlan, M, McAuliffe, E., Khasnabis, C; & Gupta, N. (2012) A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Alternative Cadres in Community Based Rehabilitation. Human Resources for Health. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-10-20.

  45. MacLachlan M, Amin M, Mannan H, El Tayeb S, Bedri N, et al. , Inclusion and Human Rights in Health Policies: Comparative and Benchmarking Analysis of 51 Policies from Malawi, Sudan, South Africa and Namibia, PLOS One, 7, (5), 2012.

  46. Mannan, H., MacLachlan M & McViegh J. Core concepts of human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.alter.2012.05.005.

  47. Mannan, H., McVeigh, J., Amin, M., MacLachlan, M., Swartz, L., Munthali, A. & Van Rooy, G. (2012) Core Concepts of Human Rights and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in the Disability and Rehabilitation Policies of Malawi, Namibia, Sudan, and South Africa, in Journal of Disability Policy Studies, published online 23 May 2012: http://dps.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/05/15/1044207312439103

  48. Van Rooy, G., Amadhila, E.M., Mufune, P., Swartz, L., Mannan, H. & MacLachlan, M. (2012) Perceived barriers to accessing health services among people with disabilities in rural northern Namibia, in Disability & Society, available online 19. June 2012: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687599.2012.686877

  49. Andersen A & Mannan H, Assessing the Quality of European Policies on Disability and Development Cooperation: A Discussion of Core Concepts of Human Rights and Coherence, Disability and International Development , 23, (1), 2012, p16 – 24.

  50. MacLachlan M, Khasnabis C, & Mannan, H. (2012). Inclusive Health. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 17, 139-141.

  51. Mannan H, Amin M, and MacLachlan M. (2012). Non-communicable disease priority actions and social inclusion. Lancet 379 (9812), 17-18.

  52. Mannan, H., O'Brien, P., McConkey, R., Finlay, F., Lawlor, A., Harrington, G. Complexities in the Provision of Respite Care to Family Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development. Vol 22, No 2, 2011, p38-54.

  53. Amin, M., MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H., El Tayeb, S., El Khatim, A., Swartz, L, Munthali A., van Rooy, G., McVeigh, J., Eide, A., Schneider, M. , A framework for analysis of the inclusion of human rights and vulnerable groups in health policies, Health & Human Rights , 13, (2), 2011, p1 – 20.

  54. McConkey R, Kelly F, Mannan H, & Craig S , Moving from family care to residential and supported accommodation: a national, longitudinal study of people with intellectual disabilities, American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 116, (4), 2011, p305 - 314

  55. MacLachlan M, Mannan H, McAuliffe E. Access to health care of persons with disabilities as an indicator of equity in health systems. Open Med 2011;5(1):10–12.

  56. MacLachlan M, Mannan H & McAuliffe E, Staff skills not staff types for community based rehabilitation, Lancet, Early Online Publication, 21 October 2010.

  57. MacLachlan M, Mannan H & McAuliffe E, Global health initiatives and country health systems, Lancet, 374, (9697), 2010, p1238.

  58. Mannan H, MacLachlan M, Human resources for health: focusing on people with disabilities, Lancet, 375, (9712), 2010, p375.

  59. McConkey R, Kelly F, Mannan H, & Craig S , Inequalities in Respite Service Provision: Insights from a National, Longitudinal Study of People with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23, (1), 2010, p85 – 94.

  60. Walmsley J & Mannan H, Parents as co-researchers: a participatory action research initiative involving parents of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37, (4), 2009, p271–276.

  61. Kelly F, Craig S, McConkey R, & Mannan M., Lone parent carers of people with intellectual disabilities in the Republic of Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities., 37, (4), 2009, p265 – 270.

  62. Curry, P., Hamilton, C., Mannan, H., & O'Brien, P. (2007). Doing disability research: Equal lives for equal people. Frontline, No. 70, 18.

  63. Mannan, H. & Turnbull, A. P. (2007). A review of community-based rehabilitation evaluations: Family quality of life as an outcome measure for future evaluations. Asian Pacific Disability & Rehabilitation Journal, 18(1), 29-45.

  64. Summers, J. A., Marquis, J., Mannan, H., Turnbull, A. P., Fleming, K., Poston, D., Wang, M., & Kupzyk, K. (2007). Relationship of perceived adequacy of services, family-professional partnerships, and family quality of life in early childhood service programs. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. 54(3), 319-338.

  65. Mannan, H., Summers, J. A., Turnbull, A. P., & Poston D. (2006). Family outcomes in early childhood programs: A review of outcome measures. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 3(4), 219- 228.

  66. Mannan, H. (2006). Global Burden of Disease and Implications for Global Health. Canadian Medical Association Journal. http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/eletters/174/5/620#3741, 2 Mar 2006

  67. Summers, J. A., Poston, D. J., Turnbull, A. P., Hoffman, L., Mannan, H., & Wang, M. (2005). Conceptualizing and measuring family quality of life. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(10), 777-783.

  68. Wang, M., Mannan, H., Turnbull, A. P., Poston, D., & Summers, J. A. (2004). Parents’ perceptions of advocacy and its impact on family quality of life. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 29(2), 144- 155.

  69. Wang, M., Turnbull, A. P., Summers, J.A., Little, T.D., Poston, D., Mannan, H., & Turnbull, R. (2004). Severity of disability and income as predictors of parents’ satisfaction with their family quality of life during early childhood years. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 29(2), 82-94.

  70. Denise, P., Turnbull, A., Park, J., Mannan, H., Marquis, J., & Wang, M. (2003). Family quality of life: A qualitative Inquiry. Mental Retardation, 41(5), 313-328.

  71. Park, J., Hoffman, L., Marquis, J., Turnbull, A., Poston, D., Mannan, H., & Wang, M. (2003). Towards assessing family outcomes of service delivery: Validation of Family quality of life survey. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 47(4), 367-384.

  72. Mannan, H. (1996). Early Intervention in Rehabilitation. Actionaid Disability News, 7(2), 54-55.

Book Chapters and Commissioned Reports

  1. MacLachlan M, Young Cho H, Clarke M, Mannan H, Kayabu B, Ludolph R et al. Web Annex F. Report of the systematic review on potential benefits of accessible home environments for people with functional impairments. In: WHO Housing and health guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018 (WHO/CED/PHE/18.07). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

  2. MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., Huss, T., & Mannan, H. (2019). Macropsychology: Challenging and Changing Social Structures and Systems to Promote Social Inclusion. The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology, 166.

  3. MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H. and McVeigh J. (2015) 'Disability and Inclusive Health' In: Edurne García Iriarte, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan (eds). Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

  4. Sharma, U. & Mannan, H. (2015) 'Do Attitudes Predict Behaviour - An (un) Solved Mystery?' In: Phyllis Jones,Scot Danforth (eds). Book Series: International Perspectives on Inclusive Education. UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. , pp.115-131

  5. Mannan, H., Amin, M., MacLachlan, M. & the EquitAble Consortium (2014). (Deuxième édition) Le manuel EquiFrame : Un outil d'évaluation et de promotion de l'inclusion des groups vulnérables et des concepts clés relatifs aux droits de l'homme dans les politiques de santé.

  6. Ahmimed, C., Mac Lachlan, M. and Mannan, H. (2014) POLICIES AND PROCESSES FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION September 2014 Volume1: Possibilities from South-East Asia. UNESCO, UNESCO Office, Cluster Office to Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.

  7. Recommendations for Guidelines on Leadership and Governance for Health-Related Rehabilitation: A Realist Synthesis (2014). MacLachlan M, McVeigh J, McClean C, Eide A H, Mannan H, Geiser P, Duttine A, Mji G, Gilmore B, McAuliffe E, Sprunt B, Amin M, & Normand C.

  8. Recommendations for WHO Guidelines on Rehabilitation Workforce for Health-Related Rehabilitation: A Realist Synthesis (2014). MacLachlan M, Gilmore B, McClean C, Carr S, Duttine A, Mannan H, McAuliffe E, Mji G, Eide A H, Hem K G & Gupta N.

  9. MacLachlan M & Mannan H (2013). Inclusive Health and Community Based Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Discussion paper for UNICEF's State of the World's Children.

  10. MacLachlan M & Mannan H (2012). Health Care Access. In Encyclopedia of Global Studies, edited by Helmut Anheier and Mark Juergensmeyer. SAGE: Thousand Oaks.

  11. Mannan, H., Amin M. & MacLachlan M. with El Tayeb, S., El Khatim, A., Bedri, N., McVeigh, J., Swartz, L., Munthali, A., Van Rooy, G., Eide, A., Schneider M., The EquiFrame Manual: A tool for Evaluating and Promoting the Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups and Core Concepts of Human Rights in Health Policy Documents, Dublin, The Global Health Press, 2011, 1-25.

  12. Griffiths, M. Mannan, H, & MacLachlan, M (2009). Empowerment, Advocacy and National Development Policy: A Case Study of Disabled Peoples' Organizations in Bolivia. In Malcolm MacLachlan & Leslie Swartz (Ed), Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health, New York: Springer.

  13. Mannan H & Turnbull A (2009). A Review of Community Based Rehabilitation Evaluations Quality of Life as an Outcome Measure for Future Evaluations. In Bhanushali Kishorkumar D. (Ed). Rehabilitation of Persons With Disabilities, India: Icfai University Press.

  14. Mannan, H. & Evans, M. (2004). Analytical Report on the proceedings of the Working Group Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on A Comprehensive and Integral Convention on the Protection and Promotion of The Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [Electronic Version] www.ishr.ch

Select Conference Presentations

  1. Mannan H (July 2018). Disability Inclusive Development Good Practices: Level of Commitment to Core Concepts of Human Rights. Social Work, Education and Social Development. Dublin, Ireland.

  2. Mannan H (July 2018). Social Work, Education and Social Development. Dublin, Ireland.

  3. Mannan H (May 2016). Skill-mix and Staff types for implementation of Community Based Rehabilitation. 2nd International Meeting on Well-Being and Performance in Clinical Practice, Chalkidiki, Greece.

  4. Mannan H (April 2016). Invited Presentation-Transitioning from the Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals: Enabling Social Inclusion, Inaugural Global Health Symposium, Queen’s University Belfast.

  5. Mannan H (March 2014). Non-use of formal health services in Malawi: Perceptions of non-users. Melbourne Institute for Social Equity Inaugural Conference: Imaging Social Equity.

  6. Mannan H. (August, 2013). Disability and Health: A Research Agenda. Melbourne Institute for Social Equity. (By invitation).

  7. Mannan H. (February, 2013). Social inclusion in health policies: Does it impact on addressing chronic disease? TRANSNATIONAL SEMINAR: Evaluating the impact of public policy on the inclusion of people with disabilities and complementary public health perspectives EHESP School of public health, Rennes, France. (By Invitation)

  8. Mannan H. (December 2012). Inclusion and Human Rights in Health Policies: Comparative and Benchmarking Analysis Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Concepts and Indicators for Inclusive Policies, Paris. (By Invitation).

  9. Mannan H (December, 2012). Social Inclusion. The Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman 3rd International Conference on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel.

  10. Mannan H. (November, 2012). Core concepts of human rights in health policies: How inclusive are our health policies? Global Health Systems Symposium, Beijing, China.

  11. Mannan H. (November 2012). A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Alternative Cadres in Community Based Rehabilitation CBR World Congress, Agra, India.

  12. Mannan H (September 2012).Equity in Health Care: Reflections from Inclusive Health Research Projects. Development Studies Association – Ireland Annual Conference (By invitation).

  13. Mannan, H. (March, 2012). Leonard Cheshire/ UNESCAP Conference on Disability-Inclusive MDGs and Aid Effectiveness. Workshop entitled: EquiFrame: A framework for evaluating and promoting the inclusion of vulnerable groups and core concepts of human rights in health policies.

  14. Mannan, H. (October, 2011). World Conference on Social Determinants of Health. Presentation entitled: Access to health care of persons with disabilities as an indicator of equity in health systems.

  15. Mannan, H. (May, 2011). Analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities using EquiFrame: A new framework for evaluating and developing equity and social inclusion in policies. Nordic Disability Research Network, Iceland.

  16. Mannan, H. (November, 2010). First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Montreux. Presented poster entitled: EquiFrame: A new framework for evaluating and developing equity and inclusion through health policy research and planning.

  17. Mannan, H (October, 2010). Third International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities Europe Conference, Rome. Presented session entitled: Moving from family care to residential and supported accommodation: a national, longitudinal study.

  18. Mannan, H (October, 2010). Third International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities Europe Conference, Rome. Presented session entitled: Equiframe: a framework for evaluating social inclusion and human rights in policy documents.

  19. Mannan, H (October, 2010). Third International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities Europe Conference, Rome. Presented session entitled: Now I am alive: perceptions of respite care by family carers.

  20. Mannan, H (December, 2009). The African Network for Evidence to Action in Disability-AfriNEAD Symposium, Cape Town. Presented session entitled: Universal and Equitable Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable People in Resource Poor Settings in Africa: Review of Health Policy Analysis.

  21. Mannan, H. (April, 2009). Division of Clinical Psychology British Psychological Society Conference, Belfast. Presented session entitled “National Family Study: Life for family members of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland”.

  22. Mannan, H. (May, 2008). Joint Conference organized by Leonard Cheshire Disability and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Presented session entitled Health care equity is a development issue – Workshop 10: Access to health care.

  23. Mannan, H (July, 2008). Marie Curie Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Presented Poster Entitled "From doing research to writing successful Grants: All in a day’s work of a Marie Curie Fellow".

  24. Mannan, H. O’Brien P. & Curry P. (August, 2008). World Congress of the International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities. Presented session entitled “What life is like for family members of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland”.

  25. Mannan, H. (November, 2007). Stellenbosch Symposium on Evidence to Action on Disability, Cape Town, South Africa. Presented session entitled “International perspectives on employment of people with disabilities: Evidence, practice and action”.

  26. Mannan, H. (November, 2007). 42nd Australian Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities Conference, Perth, Australia. Presented session entitled “Disability measurement, legislation and case law: Impact on employment of people with disabilities”.

Doctoral Supervision-Co-Supervisor

  1. Isabel Kazanga, Phd Completed 2015. Equity of access to essential health package in Malawi: A community perspective on uptake of maternal healthcare

  2. Mary-Ann O’Donovan, Phd Completed 2015. Exploring the transition experience of people with disabilities across the life course.

  3. Jess O’Dowd, Phd Candidate. Scaling up healthcare interventions: How to adapt for local contexts.

Masters Supervision

  1. Elaine Farley: A Study Exploring how People with Disabilities and Disability Issues are covered in the Irish Print Media.

  2. Helena King: A case-study examining the various views and meanings of supported employment in a training centre

  3. Marie Darby: Caring for Hard-to-Reach Children and Young People: Incentives, Interventions, and Services Offered?

  4. Laoise Coady: Experiences Accessing Services for Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Comparative Analysis between Ireland and New York State.

  5. Deidre Jacob: Living with Spinal Cord Injury: An Examination of the living experiences of people with a Spinal Cord Injury

  6. Grainne Moran: Negotiating disability: Constructions of deafness in the life worlds of hearing parents of deaf children

  7. Bonnix Kayabu M. Old people’s participation in the decision-making process to move to residential care in Dublin.

  8. Sheila Morris. Knowledge and awareness of tobacco control amongst urban Tanzanians in Dar-es-Salaam.

  9. Una Tomany. Parents Perceptions of Challenging Behaviour in Children with an Intellectual Disability.

  10. Anna McNally. Examining the Experiences of Carers and Parents of Children with Disabilities in Moshi Town, Tanzania: A Qualitative Study.

  11. Tambu Jamison. An Exploration of the QOL of Parent Carers of Children with Intellectual Disability in West Dublin, Ireland.

  12. Ask Andersen. Assessing the Quality of European Policies on Disability and Development Cooperation: A Discussion of Core Concepts and Coherence.

  13. Olafimihan Olawalee. Equity in health and attitude of asylum seekers towards health care access in Dublin.

  14. Mark Cox. Considerations for the case management of Nodding Syndrome in Uganda and South Sudan: Lessons from epilepsy programs in sub-Saharan Africa.

  15. Abhilasha Gurung: Determinants of compliance to iron supplementation among pregnant women in Low and Lower Middle Income Countries: implications for Nepal

  16. Smitha Kenson. The level of knowledge on Cancer Survivorship among Oncology nurses in Ireland.