FLAME University


Learning from some of the best minds in education and in the industry
Prof. Rahul Kumar Ray
Assistant Professor - Computer Sciences
Email: rahul.ray@flame.edu.in
Prof. Rahul Kumar Ray - Pursuing Ph.D. in Haptics and Virtual Reality from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; MTech in Biomedical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra; BTech in Electronics and Controls Engineering from Govt Engineering College, Bikaner.

Prof. Rahul Kumar Ray is Assistant Professor – Computer Science and he is pursuing his Doctorate Degree in Haptics and virtual reality from IIT, Madras. He has completed MTech in Biomedical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and BTech in Electronics and Controls Engineering from Govt Engineering College, Bikaner. 

Prof. Rahul Kumar Ray has a total work experience of over two years. He worked as a research engineer at the Inria Centre of the Université de Lille, France. He was associated with Inria team Loki and worked on vibrotactile feedbacks and haptic Illusions. He was also associated briefly with Compossible Umwelten pvt ltd in Mumbai on a wearable project. He worked at Irerobot Ltd in Nicosia (Cyprus), and developed Haptic Gloves and its interactions in Virtual reality. He has worked on healthcare systems and bio electric signals like ECG, EEG etc. He has understanding of neuroscience and would like to expand the understanding with his research. 

His research interests are in the field of Virtual and Augmented reality. He is interested in haptics, robotics, Neuroscience and healthcare systems. He is looking forward to collaboration in VR/AR for education/tourism and arts.



  • Journal papers:

  1. Patel Payal, Rahul Kumar Ray, and Muniyandi Manivannan. "Power Law Based “Out of Body” Tactile Funneling for Mobile Haptics." IEEE transactions on haptics 12.3 (2019): 307-318. https://doi.org/10.1109/TOH.2019.2933822

  2. Rahul Kumar Ray, Payal Patel, and M. Manivannan. "Reduction of Electrotactile Perception Threshold Using Subthreshold Vibrotactile Stimuli." Displays (2021): 102056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.displa.2021.102056

  3. M Balasubramanian, J.K., Ray, R.K., Manivannan,” Effect of Subthreshold Electrotactile Stimulation On The Perception of Electrovibration” ACM transactions on Applied Perception (2023): https://doi.org/10.1145/3599970

  • Conference Papers: 

  1. Madhan Kumar Vasudevan, Rahul Kumar Ray and Manivannan Muniyandi (2020) Computational Model of a Pacinian Corpuscle for an Electrical Stimulus: Spike-Rate and Threshold Characteristics. EuroHaptics 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12272, 203-213 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030- 58147-3_23

  2. R.K. Ray, M. Manivannan, Spatial summation of electro-tactile displays at subthreshold, in Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications IV, Springer Inter-national Publishing, Cham, 2021, pp. 463–470. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-74009-2_59

  3. Rahul Kumar Ray, and M. Manivannan. "Reduction of Electrotactile Perception Threshold using Background Thermal Stimulation." 5th International conference on Human Interactions and Emerging Technologies.  https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_42

  4. M Balasubramanian, J.K., Ray, R.K., Manivannan,” Effect of Subthreshold Vibration on the Perception of Electrovibration”, HAID 2022 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-15019-7_4

  • Patent Filed:

  1. Patent Granted on, “Method of constructing Hybrid tactile Displays”, International patent application Number: WO 2020/222252 A1 https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020222252